Ø 超声无损检测技术及系统研发
Ø 智能反演表征方法
Ø 锂离子动力电池声学检测技术
在超声无损检测新技术、力学性能超声无损表征方法、先进传感器和无损检测设备研制等方面取得了重要研究进展。在Composite Structures、NDT & E International,Smart Materials & Structures等高水平期刊上,发表论文40余篇,以第一作者或唯一通讯作者发表SCI检索论文30余篇,其中JCR一区10篇(包含Top期刊论文3篇)。申请国家发明专利10余项。担任NDT&E、SNA、Applied Acoustics、JASA、JONE、仪器仪表学报、机械工程学报等期刊审稿人,并荣获仪器仪表学报2021年度杰出审稿专家。2020年入选校内“优秀人才”支持计划。担任中国力学学会实验力学分会实验力学新方法研究组副组长,北京市精密测控技术与仪器工程技术研究中心副主任。
作为负责人主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项、面上项目2项,主持北京市自然科学基金面上项目1项,作为核心骨干,参与重点研发计划 “重大科学仪器设备开发”重点专项项目1项、国家自然科学基金国家重大科研仪器研制项目1项、国家自然科学基金面上项目1项。主持企事业委托横向项目6项。
2008-09 至 2014-07, 北京工业大学, 机械工程, 博士
2004-09 至 2008-07, 北京航空航天大学, 机械工程及自动化, 学士
2014-09 至 2016-09, 北京工业大学
2023-01 至 今, 北京工业大学, 银河集团9873.cσm, 教授
2021-07 至 2022-12, 北京工业大学, 材料与制造学部, 教授
2018-07 至 2021-06, 北京工业大学, 机械工程与应用电子技术学院, 副教授
2015-07 至 2018-06, 北京工业大学, 机械工程与应用电子技术学院, 讲师
2014-07 至 2015-06, 北京工业大学, 机械工程与应用电子技术学院, 无
2012-09 至 2013-01, 台湾成功大学, 机械系, 无
2010-03 至 2011-01, 台湾成功大学, 机械系, 无
《Waves & Vibrations》
1. 锂离子电池内部全场状态参数的声学无损表征方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,(No.12072004)
2. 功能梯度材料弹性性能的声学表征方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,(No.11872082)
3. 基于超声显微镜的功能梯度材料力学性能评价方法研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,(No.51505013)
4. 器件冗余物颗粒碰撞噪声智能检测技术研究,北京市自然科学基金面上项目,(No.3192006)
5. 用于微粒碰撞噪声检测(PIND)的压电传感器研制,北京市科委项目,(No.Z161100005016075)
6. 基于谐振腔法的材料电磁参数测量技术研究,企业委托项目,(No.5820180013)
7. 双通道水浸超声C扫描系统,企业委托项目,(No.5820170026)
8. 金属玻璃及合金材料弹性模量超声法测试,企业委托项目,(No.40001013201709)
9. 接触网零部件无损探伤技术研究,企业委托项目,(No.46001013201602)
10. 风机主轴表面缺陷无损检测系统开发,企业委托项目,(No.46001013201704)
1. 中国职业安全健康协会科学技术奖,管道腐蚀阵列超声波导无损检测关键技术及仪器研发,2019-1-03-04
2. 中国铁路上海局集团有限公司科学技术进步奖,接触网零部件超声波无损探伤技术,ST18-2-051-D11
3. 中国石油和化工自动化应用协会科技进步奖、青年突出科技贡献奖,2022KXJSJ-JB111-2-R01、2022KXJSJ-QNTCGX016。
1. 建立了性质呈连续性变化的功能梯度材料的不分层建模方法,发展了复杂多层/各向异性复合材料超声传播理论分析模型,为解决材料属性梯度渐变及复杂边界的波传问题建模提供了新途径。提出了一种全新的基于特征谱的状态矩阵联合勒让德级数分析方法,创新性地系统构建了复杂结构中超声导波传播特性理论求解体系,有效解决了传统矩阵法存在的漏根、伪根和模态追踪错问题。
2. 创新性构建了一种新型无透镜线聚焦声场中V(z)曲线的理论分析模型,重点突破了多模态信号分离和材料弹性性质反演方法,为超声法测量功能梯度、各向异性及镀/涂层材料弹性性质提供了解决方案。
3. 发展了基于声学特征参量的锂离子电池状态参数评估新方法,构建了多物理场联动的超声导波传播特性理论分析模型,开发了锂离子电池状态参数超声无损评估新技术,实现了基于声特征参量的锂离子电池状态参数综合评价。
[1] Jie G, Yan L*, Fang Mz, et al. Modeling guided wave propagation in multi-layered anisotropic composite laminates by state-vector formalism and the Legendre polynomials[J]. Composite Structures, 2019, 228:111319.
[2] Gao J , Yan L* , Zheng M , et al. Modeling guided wave propagation in functionally graded plates by state-vector formalism and the Legendre polynomial method[J]. Ultrasonics, 2019, 99:105953.
[3] Li Y, He C, Lyu Y*, et al. Crack detection in monocrystalline silicon solar cells using air-coupled ultrasonic lamb waves[J]. NDT & E international, 2019, 102(MAR.):129-136.
[4] Cheng J, He C, Yan L*, et al. Method for evaluation of surface crack size of wind turbine main shaft by using ultrasonic diffracted waves[J]. SMART MATERIALS & STRUCTURES, 2020, 29(7):075009.
[5] He C , Li Y , Yan L* , et al. Ultrasonic reflection characteristics of FRP-to-FRP bonded joints with thick adhesive layers for bonding evaluation: Theoretical analysis[J]. Composite Structures, 2020, 246:112402.
[6] Cheng J, He C , Yan L* , et al. Ultrasonic inspection of the surface crack for the main shaft of a wind turbine from the end face [J]. NDT & E international, 2020, 114(9):102283.
[7] Cheng J, Lyu Y, Chen H, et al. Electromagnetic acoustic transducer for receiving longitudinal wave in the central hole of the wind turbine main shaft. SMART MATERIALS & STRUCTURES, 2021.
[8] Song G , Zhang B , Yan L* , et al. Strain omnidirectional detection based on circular patch antenna[J]. Sensors and Actuators A Physical, 2020, 315:112275.
[9] Song G , Zhang B , Yan L* , et al. Application of frequency doubling in micro-strip patch antenna for wireless strain detection[J]. Sensors and Actuators A Physical, 2020:112403.
[10] Jie G , Yan L* , et al. Application of state vector formalism and Legendre polynomial hybrid method in the longitudinal guided wave propagation analysis of composite multi-layered pipes[J]. Wave Motion, 2020, 100.
[11] Gao J, Yan L*, Zheng M , et al. Analysis of Longitudinal Guided Wave Propagation in the Functionally Graded Hollow Cylinder Using State-Vector Formalism and Legendre Polynomial Hybrid Approach[J]. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 2021, 40(1):1-13.
[12] Jie G, Yan L, Guorong Song, et al. Legendre orthogonal polynomial method in calculating reflection and transmission coefficients of fluid-loaded functionally gradient plates[J]. Wave Motion, 2021.
[13] Mingfang Zheng, Cunfu He*, Yan Lu, Bin Wu. Guided waves propagation in anisotropic hollow cylinders by Legendre polynomial solution based on state-vector formalism [J]. Composite Structures. 2019,207:645-657.
[14] Huamin Zhao,Cunfu He,Lyu Yan*, et al. Development of a Flexible Broadband Rayleigh Waves Comb Transducer with Nonequidistant Comb Interval for Defect Detection of Thick-Walled Pipelines[J]. Sensors, 2018, 18(3).
[15] Yan L*, Jie G, Guorong S, et al. Measurements of LiNbO3 Properties by Multi-parameter Inversion Based on Acoustic Microcopy[J]. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 2018, 37(3):56.
[16] Guorong Song, Mingkun L , Yan L* , et al. Application of Legendre orthogonal polynomial method in calculating reflection and transmission coefficients of multilayer plates[J]. Wave Motion, 2019,84:32-45.
[17] G.R. Song, M.K. Liu, Y. Lyu*, B. Wu, C.F. He. Application of improved orthogonal polynomial method in calculating dispersioncurves on layered semi-infinite structure, ASA 32, 022001 (2017).
[18] Song Guorong ; Sun Tingting; Lv Yan*; Yan Tianting; Wang Xuedong; He Cunfu; Wu Bin, Wireless Strain Measurement Based on a Microstrip Patch Antenna, Transactions of Najing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2017, 34(5): 477-486.
[19] Y. Lyu*, J. Gao, G.R. Song, B. Wu, C.F. He. Modelling Guided Waves in Layered Media Materials using the State-vector Formalism and Legendre Polynomial Method, ASA 32, 022003 (2017).
[20] Zhang Xuecong, He Cunfu, Lu Yan*, Wu bin. Generating guided waves in isotropic plates for defect detection with a bulk shear wave transducer [J]. Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2017, 38(6): 683-694.
[21] He C, Deng P, Lu Y, et al. Estimation of surface crack depth using Rayleigh waves by electromagnetic acoustic transducers[J]. International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, 2017, 22(4): 541-548.
[22] He C, Wang Y, Lu Y, et al. Design and fabrication of air-based 1-3 piezoelectric composite transducer for air-coupled ultrasonic applications[J]. Journal of Sensors, 2016.
[23] Song G, Qin D, Lyu Y, et al. Finite Element Modeling and Wave Propagation Analysis for Lens-Less Line Focus Acoustic Microscopy[J]. International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, 2017, 22(4): 511-518.
[24] Mingfang Zheng,Cunfu He*, Yan Lu, and Bin Wu. State-vector Formalism and the Legendre Polynomial Solution for Modelling Guided Waves in Anisotropic Plates[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2018, 412: 372-388.
[25] HE C*, ZHANG X, LU Y, et al. Sound fields radiated from a linear phased array based on analytical solutions of transient elastic waves [J]. Wave Motion, 2017, 73:86-95.
[26] Zhang X, He C, Lu Y*, et al. Calculation of displacements in a half-space from a linear array based on analytical solutions of transient wave[C]//MATEC Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences, 2017, 104: 02014.
[27] Mingfang Zheng, Cunfu He, Yan Lu* and Bin Wu. Modelling guided waves in anisotropic plates using the Legendre polynomial method. MATEC Web Conf., 104 (2017) 02015
[28] S. Guorong*, Lu Dong, Lu Yan*, Hongshi Liu, G. Zhongyang, W. Bin, H. Cunfu, Velocity measurements of cylindrical surface waves with a large aperture line-focus acoustic transducer[J]. Measurement, 90(2016), 103-109.
[29] S. Guorong*, Y. Tianting, H. Cunfu, Yang Shen, Lu Yan. Detection of Surface Crack on the Substrate under Thermal Barrier Coatings Using Microwave Non-Destructive Evaluation[J]. Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy, 49(2015), 69-75.
[30] Chun-I Lin*, Yan Lu, Cunfu He, Guorong Song, Yung-Chun Lee. Measurement of circumferential Lamb waves using a line-focus poly(vinylidene fluoride) transducer and cross correlation waveform analysis. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138, 2738-2743 (2015)